How to update your account for a new academic year (using a CSV file)

How to update your account for a new academic year (using a CSV file)

You need to be logged in as an admin user.

1. First delete any pupils and teachers who are no longer at the school. This can be done in the 'All Pupils' and 'Teachers' page.

2. Go to the 'All Pupils' page, click on the blue 'download CSV' button, this will download all pupil data.

3. Update this file by changing the groups (classes) pupils are in, as well as adding any new pupils. For new pupils if you leave the username, display name and password columns blank, the system will assign all of the information for you. Ensure the group names are the same as currently on your account.
4. Click on 'add pupils' in the pupils page, select the upload tab and then drop your CSV file into the box. This should add and update existing pupils automatically.

5. New teachers will need to create accounts for themselves by going to and entering your school joining code, which can be found on the Teachers page. This will add them to the school subscription.
6. Finally, you will need to attach the teachers to the correct classes by clicking 'Details' next to a group, then. + Add Teacher and selecting them.

Please watch this video for a tutorial.
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