Spelling Scheme Progression
From the main menu of the game, select "More Lists", then choose the "Scheme/Curriculum" tab. When you choose a stage you will now see a large "Currently Playing" block at the top and the rest of the lists below. You will also notice that they all have badges beside them as well. The idea here is that each pupil starts on List 1 and as they play that list and spell the words correctly their rank goes up (just like when doing homework/assignments). When they reach worker bee on the current list, they will progress to the next list and so on (of course they can always go back to try and get royal bee if they like).
Things to know:
- You can check exactly how many points are needed to reach the next level by hovering over the badge.
- If a word appears on more than one list then spelling it correctly on either list will count as progress on both lists
- The larger lists with loads of words on them will never be suggested, but playing them will still count as progress.
- As with homeworks, if they only play on Easy, their progression will be limited. To get maximum score they will need to play on Extreme.
- Competence scores are based on the last five attempts at spelling a word.
- We have been calculating these scores in the background so most children should already see some progress.
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