We have several different ways of scoring on Spelling Shed and MathShed:
Shed Score
This is the main score used for leagues and is the total score from the past seven days. This may go down as well as up. It is rolling total which is calculated live and the score is cached after each game play. For example, if you earned 30 million points on Wednesday, the following Tuesday those points would be included in the shed score but on Wednesday, those points are now more than 7 days old so they stop being included in the score.
Your highest score
This is the highest score you have earned from one game
Your total score
This is your total score to date
This is the currency within the game and can be used to buy accessories for your avatar.
How to give rewards
1. Choose group/class. You can do this on the left hand menu or using the short cut on the homepage.
2. Scroll down until you see the reward tab.
3. Choose a child you want to give the reward to, click on their name and click on the reward. Then choose how many you want to give. Click ‘Reward’.
4. You can also click on ‘Tables’ and reward a whole table instead of giving individual rewards.
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Challenges are similar to Custom Leagues but they are open to children to create and invite their friends to set up and play games with. Unlike Hive games, you can edit the amount of time you have to play the games, pupils don't all have to play at ...
1. Go to https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/register go to 'log in' and select 'create account'. 2. You can then create your Username and Password for your account. 3. Next, add your organisation address (home address) 4. Then you can choose your free or ...
Generally, our advice is to teach the appropriate year group objectives and use intervention and additional practice (e.g. setting Spelling Shed assignments) to fill in the gaps. The reason for this being, that the gap will only widen if they are ...
No. Our subscription to Maths and Spelling Shed include unlimited access to our online game at no additional cost, which functions on all current desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices. Many schools and parents do choose to buy the app also but ...