How to create pupil accounts using a CSV upload

How to create pupil accounts using a CSV upload

1. Go to 'All Pupils' in the menu.
2. Click 'Add Pupils', then click on the 'upload' tab and download our sample CSV file.

3. The sample CSV file includes 7 columns but they do not all need to be populated.
4. Populate the headings: Name and Group (UPN is optional)

Name - First and second name
UPN - Not compulsory but we do recommend this.
Group - This is the class the pupil is in, this will automatically create the group on the system for you with the correct pupils in. 
The display name, email, username and password columns can be left blank and the system will generate this information automatically for you. 
The display name will automatically be set as a pseudonym to keep pupils anonymous outside of school.
5. Once the file has been completed, ensure it is saved as a CSV Comma Separated-Values file.
6. Upload it in the same box you downloaded the Sample CSV from, click in the 'drop files here to upload' box and your computer files will open.
7. Once selected, wait a moment and they will be uploaded automatically.

Please follow link to video below for more details.

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