How to create a custom league

How to create a custom league

Custom leagues are used to see data from a chosen group of pupils. This can include pupils from multiple groups or classes and even teachers.

Custom leagues can be based on their scores, amount of games played or total number of correct answers they have given.

To create a custom league


1. Go to the leagues page from the menu on the EdShed homepage, scroll down and click on leagues in the left hand menu. Alternatively, you can click Spelling Shed/MathShed, then System, Leagues. 

2. Click on the ‘Custom league' button at the top (in the blue banner).

3.  Then click on the ‘+Create Custom League’ button. Fill in the details and select the options you want, click 'preview' and then click 'save'.

When filling in the details:

You need to give your league a title, and a start date and end date. You can start this in the past and have previous points included.

You can choose who you want in the league.

School – pupils: This is all the pupils in the school.

School – groups: This is all the groups in the school.

Groups – pupils: You can just choose a specific group/class and choose in the drop down box.

You can have the league be based on total points, amount of correct answers or games played to encourage children to get involved.


Please note: Leagues are based on Shed Score which can go up and down as it is the rolling 7 day score. 


4. If you want to view the custom leagues, go the leagues page, then click custom leagues (blue banner at the top) and they will be visible there.

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