What are Challenges?

What are Challenges?

Challenges are similar to Custom Leagues but they are open to children to create and invite their friends to set up and play games with. Unlike Hive games, you can edit the amount of time you have to play the games, pupils don't all have to play at the same time and there is a separate league table showing the scores for all the pupils who are involved. The league table will be viewable for 7 days after the challenge ends.


Anyone from the school can be chosen by the challenge creator to take part but pupils can reject the challenge if they don't want to play.

The score is calculated from the point the challenge is created, not the point when each child joins the challenge. So if a child accepts the challenges a day after everyone else, but has played games which match the criteria of the challenge, the scores will be counted.


Teachers can also create challenges but there are a few differences. Children are automatically opted in - they do not have to accept an invitation. Teachers can also create group vs group challenges, for example Year 1A vs Year 1B vs Year 1C where all pupil's scores count towards their class's aggregate score.


There are three types of scoring that can be used in a challenge.

1) Points - The sum of your score on every game that you play in the challenge.

2) Games played - The number of games that you play in the challenge.
3) Correct answers - The number of correct answers that give


How to create a Challenge


1. When you are on the EdShed homepage, click on ‘Challenge’ in the left hand menu. Or click the green challenges shortcut on the homepage. Alternatively, this is available in Spelling Shed/MathShed > System. 

2. Click ‘Create new challenge’

3. Set the title. Choose the game (Spelling Shed or MathShed).

4. Choose the type (Points Earned, Games Played or Correct Answers). A good way to motivate pupils to use the games is to choose ‘Games Played’.

5. Set the end date.

6. Then chose the Question Type.

7. If you want individuals vs individuals then go via the left hand tab. If you want groups VS groups then choose the right hand tab. Select as many individuals or classes that you want to be part of the challenge.

8. Click ‘create challenge’.

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